Channel: Taryn Southern
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: taryntvhow to do goodchallenge videossecret kindnesssecret challengehonest updateacts of goodbest challengesacts of kindnesssecretstogtaryn southerngiving backkind challengetaryn southern honestrandom actstribe of goodkindness challengesimple acts of kindnesshow to volunteerdoing goodkindnessrandom acts of kindnessgoodness
Description: It's random acts of kindness time!! Every morning this week @10am EST, I'll post a challenge to the Tribe of Good Facebook page: - looking forward to reading all of the good stuff you all do as a result :-) MORE DETAILS BELOW: ***If you want to be notified when the challenges are posted on Facebook, like the page and then set your Notifications to "ON"+ "see first" in Newsfeed*** Like & share this video to do the 7 Day Challenge with your friends! Subscribe! New videos every Tuesday, most of the time.